<Overload retVal="(UNDEFINED)" descr="takes table_alias and returns object instances stored in the object table">
<Param name="table_alias" />
<KeyWord name="VALUES" />
<KeyWord name="VARCHAR" />
<KeyWord name="VARCHAR2" />
<KeyWord name="VARIANCE" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="NUMBER" descr="returns variance of expr">
<Param name="[DISTINCT|ALL] SQLEXPR expr" />
<KeyWord name="VARPOP" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="NUMBER" descr="returns the population variance of a set of numbers after discarding the nulls in this set">
<Param name="SQLEXPR expr" />
<KeyWord name="VARRAY" />
<KeyWord name="VARSAMP" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="NUMBER" descr="returns the sample variance of a set of numbers after discarding the nulls in this set">
<Param name="SQLEXPR expr" />
<KeyWord name="VARYING" />
<KeyWord name="VIEW" />
<KeyWord name="VSIZE" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="NUMBER" descr="returns the number of bytes in the internal representation of expr">
<Param name="SQLEXPR expr" />
<KeyWord name="WHEN" />
<KeyWord name="WHENEVER" />
<KeyWord name="WHERE" />
<KeyWord name="WHILE" />
<KeyWord name="WIDTH_BUCKET" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="NUMBER" descr="creates a set of num_buckets equalwidth buckets between min_value and max_value and returns the bucket expr falls into">
<Param name="SQLEXPR expr" />
<Param name="NUMBER min_value" />
<Param name="NUMBER max_value" />
<Param name="NUMBER num_buckets" />
<KeyWord name="WITH" />
<KeyWord name="WITHOUT" />
<KeyWord name="WORK" />
<KeyWord name="WRITE" />
<KeyWord name="WRITEDOWN" />
<KeyWord name="WRITEUP" />
<KeyWord name="XDBURITYPE" />
<KeyWord name="XID" />
<KeyWord name="XMLAGG" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="XML Document" descr="takes a collection of XML fragments and returns an aggregated XML document">
<Overload retVal="XML Document" descr="creates an XML fragment and then expands the resulting XML so that each XML fragment has the name 'column' with the attribute 'name'">